“The church is not called to be a museum of cultured long past.” — Steve Leddy

“The secret to moving past fears is to remember God’s faithfulness in the past.” -Ruben R. Rios

“Many of the ideas you’ll see in the church in 2022 will be criticized and dismissed — until they are not. But that’s how innovation works. The leaders we criticize today will be the leaders who coach us tomorrow.” -Carey Nieuwhof

“In such a fearful world, we need a fearless church.” -C.S. Lewis

“Some churches are dying because of gutless leaders, who are not willing to take a risk.” -Dan Jackson

“The Seventh-Day Adventist Church can be about innovation. If it’s merely about preservation, then it’s a museum, not a church.” -A. Allan Martin

“It’s so hard to convince people that Jesus creates a better future when the church keeps living in the past.” -Erwin Mcmanus


“The biggest problem with the “back to normal” approach is that the world has changed significantly. The pre-quarantine world and post-quarantine world are not the same. Churches cannot minister effectively using methods for a world that no longer exists.” Thom S. Rainer


“The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change. The leader adjusts the sail.” John C. Maxwell


“More important than the community knowing the name of the church, is for the church to know the names of the people in the community.” Sergio Quevedo


“When you find yourselves where you did not want to be, you need to remember that God has brought you there for His glory.” The Joy of a Faith Filled Life, page 90

“If you want something new, you have to stop doing something old.” — Peter F. Drucker

“Church leaders, you need to decide who you’re going to lose: the people in your community who don’t know the love of Christ, or the church member who thinks church revolves around him (or her).” -Carey Nieuwhof

“We are not only a community of memories, we are a community that moves into the future with hope.” -A. Coralie

“Discipline is the ability to make yourself do something you don’t want to do, in order to get a result, you really want to get.” -Andy Andrews

“A good question every Christian adult should ask themselves: Do I love my traditions more than I love my children?” -Jose Cortes Jr.


“Don’t measure how many people stay, measure how many go and make disciples.” Jeff Vanderstelt

“The best way to bring back members that have disconnected is to call them and invite them back. It’s that simple.” -Sam Rainer


"If you don't go after what you want, you'll never have it. If you don't ask, the answer is always no. If you don't step forward, you're always in the same place." Nora Roberts


“If the church can only reach people who think like me, eat like me, dress like me, smell like me and worship like me, we will never reach those who are different. Jesus came to save them too!” Jose Cortes Jr.


“We can’t expect the community to come to us if they don’t believe we are for them.” Jeff Hendersen


“When pastors do for people what God has intended for people to do, everybody gets hurt.” Ed Stetzer