“If our mission is so vital that it does not allow us to take time to care for the needy, heal the wounded, feed the hungry, and speak up for those who are being discriminated against and mistreated, then our mission is not Jesus’ mission.” - José Cortes Jr.

“If pastors do not live in the community where their church is located, pastors don’t have ministry, they have management.”

Sung K Kwon

“The most important things in the life are not ‘the things’.” - Abdiel Del Toro

“Church leaders, you need to decide who you’re going to lose: the people in your community who don’t know the love of Christ, or the church member who thinks church revolves around him (or her).” -Carey Nieuwhof

“For us to hate those who are in error, or talk of them with contempt or wish them ill, or do them wrong, is not according to the Spirit of Christ, You cannot cast out Satan by Satan, nor correct error by violence, nor overcome hate by hate. The conquering weapon of the Christian is love.” -Charles Spurgeon

“The building is not the church. We are the church. The great influence that will change the world will not be the church building but us being the church everywhere, with everyone, and at all times.” -Abdiel Del Toro

“The cross was God’s intentional act of love and life when we had declared war.” -Eddie Hypolite

“It is good to have a complete package of beliefs, it is good to have the truth, and it is great to be right, but if we are right in everything and we have no compassion, we are wrong.” -Jose Cortes Jr.

“Evangelism takes time. It is like having a baby. If you believe evangelism only takes one month, you may be advocating for a spiritual miscarriage.” -Roger Hernandez


“Jesus didn’t die for us so that we could continue treating people the way people treated Him.” Anonymous

“The biggest proof that we are His disciples will always be our love for other sinners, never our ‘great’ behavior.” - Jose Cortes Jr.


"I envision the day when our church will be known for our compassion & love for humanity & creation, rather than for the things we oppose." Joanne Cortes


“Love your neighbor who doesn’t look like you, think like you, love like you, speak like you, pray like you, vote like you. Love your neighbor. No exceptions.” Castille Hill SDA Church


“We do not feed them so they can get baptized, we feed them because they are hungry.” Jose Cortes Jr. 

“I’m a part of the church today because my parents brought the church to me while I was still living in the dark.” - Nemaia Faletogo

“A church that cannot love those who are broken is a broken church.” — Jose Cortes Jr

“No one is ever made better by denunciation and recrimination. To tell a tempted soul of his guilt in no way inspires him with a determination to do better.” -Ellen G. White

“Stop looking for the perfect church. Go worship a perfect God today with a congregation of flawed people who need grace as much as you do.” -Martha Munizzi

“Correction is not a religious right, it is a relational privilege.” -Dr. Boubakar Sanou

“Do not be so caught up with the mark of the beast that you forget the mark of the least. Let us seek to help others in need, the least of us.” -John Rengifo

“Your job is not to fix people; your job is to love people.” -Jose Cortes Jr.

“A good question every Christian adult should ask themselves: Do I love my traditions more than I love my children?” -Jose Cortes Jr.

“People respond to the Gospel that has flesh on it.” -Ron Pickell

“We can't expect the community to come to us if they don't believe we are here for them.” -Jose Cortes Jr.

“It is not full-time church if you are not open at least forty hours a week.” - John Boston

“It (compassion) goes viral because it is fresh, timeless, global, & transcends all languages.” Jose Cortes Jr.


"The church needs to be the expression of God’s love. We need to quit focusing on the peripheral and start focusing on the gospel. We need to show the love of God.” Daniel Jackson


“There is someone in your life whom God loves, and He wants to show His love to this person through you.” J. Decena