Diagnose and implement growing strategies for plateauing and declining churches

  • Identify which one of the four categories your church is in: Multiplying, Growing, Plateauing, or Declining

  • Use Natural Church Development as a tool to diagnose and improve your church’s health

  • Participate in NAD Church Revitalization BootCamp (Pastor and core group of church leaders)

  • Appoint a Church Planting Director/Coordinator at the Conference/Union to support Church Revitalization in North America


What if…

each Conference in North America appointed a Church Revitalization Director/Coordinator (not suggesting additional salaries).

…each Adventist Church in North America checked its health, using some type of tool (eAdventist, NCD, Growing Young, other).

…every Pastor and Volunteer Lay Pastor in North America had an intentional dialog with their churches, about the results of church health / church vitality evaluations and strategize for revitalization.

…Plateauing and Declining Churches participated in a Church Revitalization BootCamp (pastor and core team).