“Any method of evangelism will work — if God is in it.” -Leonard Ravenhill

“We have to wind the clock, to spend time doing whatever we can to reach people for Jesus.” -Matt Stockdale

“We made the unbelievers become the missionaries. They have to learn everything. They have to learn our costumes and traditions. They have to learn our language. It’s called Adventee.” - Richie Halversen


“Your greatest contribution to the kingdom of God may not be something you do but someone you raise.” Andy Stanley


“If you want to be ineffective at reaching unchurched people, keep judging them.” Carey Nieuwhof.


“Evangelism takes time. It is like having a baby. If you believe evangelism only takes one month, you may be advocating for a spiritual miscarriage.” Roger Hernandez

“For the early Christians the church was not an institutional organization with a mortgage payment. The church was a living organism with a mission.”

Joseph H. Hellerman

“Implementing change poorly is often worse than not implementing change at all. Poor implementation poisons people’s attitude toward change and creates problems in the future.” — Christopher Worley

“Evangelism is not the same as proselytizing. Proselytism leads to a person to a change of religion. Evangelism leads a person to a change of life. Proselytism exalts an organization. Evangelism exalts the Lamb!” -Cristian Barrera


“We’ve taught them our doctrines, but somehow haven’t introduced them to Jesus.” Errol Webster


“Being a disciple means deliberately identifying yourself with God’s interest in other people." Oswald Chamber


“When you fill church with people whom you won by winning the theological argument, don’t be surprise if they just want to argue.” Sam Leonor