December 25 – Christmas

Are you wondering how your church should navigate the Christmas season this year? How should you handle your church's holiday events? You can lead your church through the holidays this year in a way that brings connection and growth.


1.    Create connections through Small Groups - people need connection, so why not have a week of prayer in your small groups before Christmas? People better connect when they are involved in small groups. You can provide a bible study about the Nativity to be used by all, or you can watch a series of videos about it together.

2.    Compassion Christmas - Invite your church members to donate food and toys to be distributed to low-income families in your community. Way too many people have lost their jobs this year, and they need help to go through the holidays. Coordinate with your pathfinders to deliver the gifts along with a card and maybe some joyful songs.

3.    Drive-thru Lights & Hot Chocolate - If your church has a good parking lot, having a drive-thru Lights & Hot Chocolate might be a good idea. Decorate your parking lot with Christmas lights and invite members and friends to drive through as they are offered hot chocolate and cookies. Having your youth sing carols as people drive by will add an extra touch to the program.

4.    Special Christmas Service - Announce and promote a day for your Christmas Service. Prepare some beautiful songs and testimonies and take the opportunity to share the story of the Savior who brings us hope for a better future.